Alkaline concentrate with wide range of use.
Recommended for cleaning engines in all kinds of mechanical vehicles and car bodies of the heavy goods, delivery, construction and agricultural vehicles.
Effectively cleans stubborn contaminations.
– delivery, heavy-goods and off-road cars, buses, tarpaulins, construction vehicles, agricultural machines etc.
– car washes
– stainless steel and aluminium surfaces
Read product’s safety data sheet before using.
Use as a working solution.
When using this product through a sprinkler, make a 1:10-1:30 water solution during winter and 1:20-1:40 water solution during summer, according to the contamination level of the surface.
If used through a foaming lance, use it as a concentrate during winter and 1:1 solution during summer.
Engine cleaning: 1:5-1:10 water solution.
Portal/Tunnel carwashes or manual cleaning: 0.5%-1% water solution.
Wash down the surface with highly pressured water (120-150 bar).
Warning: Do not let the product dry off on the car paint. Avoid using it in full sun or on heated surfaces.
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